STANISLAV ABRAHÁM - audiovisual performer / sound artist / musician

*1977, lives and works in Prague, Czech Republic
Studied Audiovisual studies at FAMU - Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Czech Republic
Master thesis theme: Human voice phenomenon in contemporary audiovisual art

Flash Art magazine profile article (in Czech only) here: Flash Art profile 2014

I entered the field of audiovisual art through original focus on sound design. My profile was later settled on terms audiovisual performer and sound artist. As a sound designer I work in collaborative projects in the field of theater and dance production, as an independent artist I realized installations in galleries, radio-art composition for Czech Radio or conceptual work with sound in public space. Ephemerality of audio media then replaces personal involvement or humor in performance or work with objects and concepts in the installation. My main interests include telecommunications, recording media and the phenomenon of "disembodied voice". Professionally devoted to studio production work, doing recording and postproduction in audiovisual works.
Stanislav Abraham
foto: Michal Šeba